and so it begins…

I remember always been called skinny this skinny that right throughout school, and University until the dreaded cruciate ligament struck.  From 2008 onwards it’s been pretty grim and got even worse when cruciate ligament 2 struck and there ceased to be any football in my life.  It was a bit of a nightmare going from playing 5-7 times a week in Norfolk and then down to nothing for years and barely making it back before the other cruciate ligament struck.

I remember getting to a stage where it was so bad but only a photo with Anthony Joshua made me realise how bad it had got.  I got into the gym big time with a Personal Trainer in Norfolk and I felt and looked much better than had for years.  After moving (and spending 8 weeks working in the States) it soon went downhill but luckily I have caught it before I completely go back to the Anthony Joshua photo day!  I saw the slippery slope this time and confidence is disappearing again.  I reckon you know when you’re at a weight you’re not comfortable with and you just have to bite the bullet… so I am biting the bullet!

Still, it’s not much better and it is time to sort it out again.  The only way I can motivate myself for this stuff is by doing personal training because I don’t like to miss appointments or be late and I want to make sure I a. get my monies worth by training hard and b. not to let the PT down.  I have signed up to an initial 8 week programme, to be extended to 12 and have done all the initial work now, so ready to go!

Initially, I needed a pre-meet to discuss options, goals etc and decide which plan to go on.  It is certainly not cheap this one so I am expecting results and to follow it religiously.  I then had a health check when we did loads of questionnaires and took a load of measurements, including the very uncomfortable calliper test where they pinch your fat at every place you could imagine to take a more accurate body fat reading.

I have also now had my eating plan and to be fair it is pretty straight forward.  As usual, there are the odd supplement, shake etc you have to do but I will get the hang of that probably.  The first training sessions are also booked in so looking forward to getting cracking now!

I am expecting results, and hoping to continue the plan right up until South America in October but the on-going cost and the results will determine that.

Wish me luck! Will pop a post on weekly to track how I am doing, although we only do measurements again in week 4.

Signing out, extra-fat Welshy.


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