I cannot believe we’re a halfway through 2017 already so time to cast my eye back on my 2017 post and see how I am getting on! Well it started after amazingly well with a standard brilliant trip to New York to see the Islanders. Jon was out there at the same time and it we were
After an epic Christmas both back home and in Birmingham and with me about to embark on New Years celebrations between Norfolk and Bournemouth (for The Arsenal), it’s a great way to kick off 2017. It’s increasingly hard to better the year gone these days but I hope I can m
Another year has flown by and I feel like it’s been an epic one, but I’ve been lucky to feel that each year recently which is not something I could say for all of them before. I remember dreading new year, realising the year ahead was going to be much of the same, but these days I re
We flew to Uyuni from La Paz which was a cool flight with great views (my flute survived another journey). When we arrived to Uyuni, we were staying in this cool hotel in middle of nowhere. The layout resembled a prison but the rooms were decent and the restaurant was very good. The o
In the morning we set off on a bus trip from Puno to La Paz Bolvia which totalled around 8-10 hours. The coaches were comfortable so it wasn’t as much of a chore as it sounds. It helps that all the bus rides are usually pretty scenic too and this was no exception. The first chal
The day after we got back from the Inca Trek we were due to join forces with another group from now until Santiago, Chile. Before all that though, I’d booked my first ever bungee jump for today, no relaxing for me, I was up and out (and very scared). I made my way to the office
It was an early pick up to fly into Cusco but the flight was great and the views were great. I managed to survive the drive to Cusco from the airport with the mental taxi driver thankfully and was met by a Tucan Travel guy. Hotel looked really decent and I had an orientation where the
I planned to tone down the walking a bit in the run up to meeting the others on the group trip, and with the small matter of a 4 day trek at altititude approaching. I went into downtown Lima for a bus tour to Sant Cristobal which is a large cross/shrine at the top of tthe cliff/mounta
Well, it finally arrived after waiting months but the run up to the trip wasn’t as peaceful or exciting as previous trips. The main reasons being one, it was a group tour in the main so needed less planning and two, I’d agreed to go back to work for the same client on my
I have just finished the packing for my 6 week tour of South America and to get myself into blog mode, I thought it’s time I jotted down a few pre-trip notes. Firstly, where am I heading? I have ditched my preferred way of travelling this time, i.e. travelling alone and having c